A Basic Z80 System
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Basic Z80 System 1
(0) - The Z80 CPU
This is the Master 2 Device which controls all the other devices which are Slave Devices
In order to behave correctly, the Z80 needs 3 things - (1) it goes without saying that it needs a good, clean and well-regulated +5 Volt power supply, and the other two requirements are:
(1) - Generating a Clock
This is actually quite difficult and we all have our favourite circuits…
This is mine (from 1985) - tried and tested over many years. Any CPU clock circuit must be (1) very stable; (2) be 100% reliable starting up; and (3) output a clean 50/50 square wave; and (4) if you using a digital logic gate in a part analogue mode (as I am here) it must work with different manufacturers parts
It uses 3 gates (out of 6) from a 74LS04 Hex Inverter It uses a 2.4576 MHz 3 Quartz Crystal (a) as the feedback element between two digital logic gates (b) & (c) which are being “forced” to act as analogue amplifiers by 470 ohm Resistors (e) & (f) and coupled by 10nF Ceramic Capacitor (d)
The output from this arrangement is taken to the input of logic gate (g) which is being used as a digital inverter/buffer The output of (g) is taken via (j) to the baud-rate generator circuit and to Z80 pin 6 /CLK via (h)… Because /CLK is “active-low”, 10k Resistor (i) is used as a “pullup” 4
(2) - Resetting the Z80
This is much easier than generating a CPU Clock and the arrangement I have detailed below has always worked for me !!
This is a classic RC Circuit and has an RC Time-constant 5
Z80 Pin 26, /RESET at (a) is connected between a 10k ohm Resistor (b) and a 22uF Tantalum Capacitor (c)
Before applying any power, the capacitor is discharged, so therefore the positive end of the capacitor at point (a) is at 0 volts (“0v”). The negative side of the capacitor is connected to 0v
Upon applying power, and as soon as +5v appears, the 10k ohm Resistor (b) starts to charge the 22uF Tantalum Capacitor at (c) so the voltage at point (a) starts to rise towards +5v
As Z80 Pin 26, /RESET is an active-low input, the initial low voltage on (a) holds the Z80 in a RESETing state for a while
As the voltage at point (a) continues to rise towards +5v, at some stage the Z80 regards /RESET as being non-active and the the Z80 exits its internal Reset State
(3) - The Address Bus
(4) - Read Only Memory
(5) - The Data Bus
(6) - The Memory Strobe
(7) - The I/O Strobe
(8) - The Read Strobe
(9) - A Parallel I/O Port Device
Page Source: The Zilog Z80 CPU User Manual
What the Z80 pins do…
What the Z80 Registers do…
And a truly dreadful diagram from the Zilog Z80 User Manual. It does not even show any RAM !! Then as an obvious after thought a diagram about RAM follows. All this serves to do is confuse an otherwise competant and knowledgeable engineer/hobbyist who is seeking to learn… Been there… Done that !! ↩
2.4567 MHz is a magic number as it can be divided-down and used as the baud-rate clock that a serial port needs ↩
Good circuit design calls for any “active-low” inputs (that are not tri-state) to be connected to a logic high (in this case +5v) via a “pullup” resistor ↩
With the values used the time-constant is way less than 1 second ↩