What the Z80's pins do...
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There is extensive use of “Tooltips” text to support learning which do not seem to render on a Smartphone. Therefore this site is best viewed via a computer’s HD monitor
The 16-bit address bus pins are all outputs
The 8-bit data bus is bi-directional (determined by the state of /RD or /WR)
/M1 and /RFSH are rarely used
/BUSRQ and /BUSACK are rarely used (because DMA is rarely used on the Z80)
I have NEVER seen /HALT being used !! It goes low when the Z80 HALT instruction is executed
/WAIT is an active-low input used to force the Z80 to slow down
Image#1: Taken from the Zilog Z80 CPU User Manual Fig 3, Page 19
Important Note:
You can find images, etc, of Z80 Pinouts on the Internet… I looked at loads
ALL the ones I looked at were INCORRECT !!
NOBODY who actually has any real knowlege of Z80 hardware WOULD EVER publish incorrect information !! 1 Discussion here
Hah ! Rodnay Zaks makes this mistake too !! Doh! ↩