Baremetal Engineer Extraordinaire
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“I perform Bare Metal Engineering by programming microprocessors & their associated hardware directly in Machine Code via an Assembler and Forth“ - David Husband
All every digital computer is ever doing is manipulating binary numbers (“0”s and “1”s) in some way…
What “Real Code!?” More about this here…
Are you totally MAD? Why do it this way?
So just who is this David Husband1 dude2 ?
He is a gritty, self-taught electronic engineer, with an Autotelic personality having been pursuing his passion for electronics since he was 10-years-old and a passion for software since teaching himself in the late 1970’s
David characterises this passion as: “I perform Bare Metal Engineering by programming microprocessors & the hardware directly in Machine Code (Assembler) and Forth”
David is also a radio communications expert and has been a licensed radio amateur as G8HJT since 1973
Following about 7 years of part-time online study while in his 50’s, in 2012, David was awarded a Masters Degree in Software Engineering by The University of Liverpool, part of the Russell Group
David achieved grades just below the level he could be awarded a “Masters with Distinction”…
David is now working and researching his way towards creating the opportunity for a Ph.d
David is an expert in threaded code and in particular a type of indirectly threaded code that is used in the legacy/classic Forth dialect known as figForth3
David is an expert in the Forth Virtual Machine and in a data structure called a linked list
In the meantime see here:
All these pdfs open in a new window
DH as a Baremetal Software Engineer:
Baremetal Software Engineer (pdf)
DH as a Baremetal Hardware Engineer:
Baremetal Hardware Engineer (pdf)
DH as a Baremetal EMC Design Engineer:
Baremetal EMC Design Engineer (pdf)
DH learning about Blockchain:
Baremetal Blockchain Engineer (pdf)
About Blockchain & Bitcoin…
So just who is this Nakatoshi Sakamoto Blockchain/Bitcoin dude ?
Satoshi Nakamoto, you idiot; and /his/her/them/its/whatever/ history-changing paper is here…
And to clarify…
- Bitcoin uses a particular Blockchain data structure (proposed & specified by Satoshi Nakamoto)
- Blockchain IS NOT Bitcoin
- DH suggests that a correct way to reference the the particular (and distinct) blockchain database/ledger that Bitcoin employs is as the bitcoin blockchain database/ledger
Or to put it another way:
- Blockchain is a very clearly defined and immutable data structure
- Blockchain is a very sophisticated, distributed linked-list
- Bitcoin is just one of many Crypto-currencies 4
WARNING - There are many around who talk very convincingly about Blockchain & Bitcoin but who have very little understanding… 5
How to tell if they know what they are talking about…
If they are able to express their understanding like this:
“And first we should start by saying that Bitcoin and the Blockchain are two distinct things…“
“A blockchain can exist without Bitcoin, but Bitcoin could not exist without its blockchain
Blockchain is an enabling technology, and Bitcoin is only one application of it
There can be an unlimited number of blockchains, but in general usage, when people speak of ‘The Blockchain’ they are referring to the blockchain used by Bitcoin”
Source: (Melville 2021, p. 17) [my emphasis]
… and display sufficient insight to be able to draw the fundamental distinction between “A Blockchain” and “The Blockchain” then (perhaps) they do understand what they are talking about…
Melville, T., 2021. Blockchain, Bitcoin and You. Leamington Books.
… and apart from anything else, he is very modest… ↩
So just what is a dude ? Ok, so DH is definately “cool” but he is also an Ordained Priest in the Church of the Latter-day Dude ↩
“FIG” - The worldwide “Forth Interest Group” has been defunct for many years… UK FIG: ↩
To put it bluntly, they are very likely to be FULL of BS and have no REAL understanding at all… I speak from experience ! ↩